The Global Deployment of Network Access Control

macmon NAC as a Central Element of Belden's Comprehensive Industrial Cybersecurity Framework

Transformation Requires Flexible Industrial Cybersecurity Solution

The convergence of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) as well as the related transformation of network processes opens the door to malware and targeted cyber-attacks. Cybercrime has increased dramatically in recent years, causing billions of dollars in losses to companies and economies worldwide. In 2023, ransomware attacks increased by 50 percent.

Manufacturing was one of the top target verticals in industrial environments. Therefore, industrial businesses need more powerful cybersecurity programs to deal with today’s sophisticated threats. A modern OT network infrastructure and pre-integrated cybersecurity management solutions are essential to address this scenario. The Network Access Control solution macmon NAC is a central component to maintain Belden’s network security.

Key Facts about Richmond Case Study

Biggest Challenges:

  • Large plant with a lack of machine connectivity and transparency
  • Costly downtime due to unplanned maintenance work
  • High number of legacy systems in operation


Reasons for macmon NAC:

  • Continued use of existing infrastructure possible due to manufacturer-agnostic solution
  • Low administrative effort
  • Simple and fast implementation

Successes with macmon NAC:

  • Automated control of the movement of devices in the network
  • Effective access control & detection of unwanted network events
  • Successful pilot project for expansion of the NAC solution to 47 sites worldwide

Extensive Review by Belden Experts

For more than 120 years, Belden has been a leader in the design and manufacture of insulated wire, cable, and related products. Since then, Belden has transformed itself from a cable company to a signal transmission solutions provider with a complete portfolio of cable, connectivity, and networking products. Since Belden’s acquisition of macmon secure in 2022, the company planned the implementation of macmon NAC in its global facilities.

To plan the deployment of macmon NAC, Belden used its Customer Innovation Center (CIC) – a centerpiece of the global enterprise.


Belden's Costumer Innovation Centers™ (CIC) help businesses to accelerate the design and implementation of robust, reliable and secure industrial networks that deliver the data and insight needed to fuel better business performance. The CIC provides a secure laboratory environment to develop, test, document and implement solutions without jeopardizing ongoing operations.

macmon NAC passed the Proof of Concept, showing that the solution is deployable in a large-scale facility, in December 2023, and the Belden IT team started the implementation in the Belden facilities. In 2024, the company plans to deploy macmon NAC in 47 Belden facilities all around the globe, interacting with more than 20,000 endpoints.

Charles Crawford

Director IT | Belden Inc

"Before macmon NAC, there was no oversight, insight, or automated control for network-connected devices in the facilities. But with macmon NAC, we have all of this."

NAC Deployment

To show the process of macmon NAC's implementation with a concret example, let's have a closer look at Belden's Richmond facillty.

The plant consists of a distribution center and a manufacturing facility. The distribution center is responsible for warehousing and shipping Belden products to customers in the U.S. and worldwide. In the manufacturing facility various cable types such as coaxial, fiber optic, and industrial cables are produced. There are a total of around 800 endpoints and 25 network devices in the plant.

The implementation in this OT environment provided important insights into the benefits of the OT security features of macmon NAC and poses a blueprint for the further deployment of the solution in other Belden sites. We will also focus on the combination of macmon NAC and the industrial network technology of Hirschmann.


Top Priority: Avoiding Production Downtime

The 95-year-old Richmond plant faced several challenges, including costly downtime due to unplanned maintenance, an aging workforce, a lack of machine connectivity and visibility, and a significant number of older and obsolete machines in operation. To address these issues, plant managers worked with data engineeringconsultants from Belden’s CIC. 

The collaboration between the Belden CIC and the Richmond plant is designed to reduce downtime, increase efficiency, and prepare the plant for the next step in its Industry 4.0 journey

“Maintaining other NAC tools demands high administrative effort. With macmon NAC, this issue doesn’t occur. One daily check – that’s about it.”

(Ryan Buckner, IT-Infracture | Belden Inc.)

While manufacturers have historically had IT and OT silos, the two networks are increasingly merging. To fully control today’s demanding, heterogeneous networks, a network security solution must also support any authentication technology.

With a scalable, manufacturer-agnostic solution, the existing infrastructure can simply be used as it is. This reduces the failure rate in the administration of growing IT and OT networks and significantly improves the industrial cybersecurity posture.

The Roadmap

“Our roadmap was broken into three steps: discover, protect, and monitor.

Discover was installing macmon NAC in read only, just capturing data for a few months. Protect was when we enabled NAC as well as 802.1X. And finally, monitor was ensuring devices were successfully authenticating and joining the network.”

(Ryan Buckner, IT-Infrastructure| Belden Inc.)

Solution/ Implementation

Full Network Visibility & Control

At the Richmond facility, macmon NAC allows Belden to have 100% visibility into the OT network infrastructure without having to monitor every change. macmon NAC handles the movement of devices around the facility – automatically. This saves a lot of administrative resources. For example, an operator is instructed to move a device from zone A to zone B. This requires a change in VLAN assignment on the new interface where the device is plugged in. 

Charles Crawford

Director of IT | Belden Inc.

"macmon NAC allows us to organize this prozess in a secure way."

In the old environment, this would have required administrators to log into the switches onsite and then configure the new interfaces for a device. With macmon NAC, this can be done in seconds with just a few clicks in the central management platform. This is a great benefit in terms of the workload reduction of the network administrators.

The integration of macmon NAC and 802.1X authentication has introduced a new era of automation to the Richmond plant.

The deployment of macmon NAC at the Richmond factory has been very successful, and Belden is looking forward to further advancements. Belden uses Hirschmann’s industrial switches and firewalls in its OT networks. These products are engineered to perform in the harshest and most demanding environments. A combined solution with macmon NAC offers everything to build a reliable industrial network or improve the existing network architecture for increased industrial cybersecurity.

Belden uses a mix of vendors at its sites. With the implementation of macmon NAC, the premise was “not to rip and replace.” macmon NAC is manufacturer-agnostic. Therefore it was possible to keep the existing infrastructure, making the deployment cost very minimal.

This powerful combination allows tasks to be performed seamlessly, eliminating the need for manual intervention by administrators.

When an unknown device was connected to the Richmond network, it used to be redirected to a guest network. This unique setup was acting as a holding area for these devices, allowing the necessary analysis to be conducted. It’s important to note, however, that these devices are denied access to any critical resources within the Belden infrastructure. 

To fulfill a Zero Trust approach nowadays, this guest access is also denied since it’s still a form of network access. Unknown devices are moved into a Layer 2 blackhole so they can’t jeopardize the network in any way.

Joel Naumoff

Vice President of Cybersecurity | Belden Inc.

“Other NAC products are way more complex and complicated to implement. It can take years until they are up and running. In comparison, macmon NAC is a light lift. It’s simple and effective."

Most Important Added Values Through macmonn NAC

NAC provided effective access control, consistent automated rules, and policies to control all IT and OT devices. Using the intuitive web graphical user interface (GUI) of macmon NAC, the Belden team was able to gain a complete network overview within a few hours.

The implementation of macmon NAC was exceptionally fast as it does not require a software agent. In the process, macmon NAC was able to detect unauthorized remote connections, wireless access points, operator workstations and IoT devices. In Richmond’s OT environment, with various OT-specific endpoints such as robots and programmable logic controllers (PLCs), macmon NAC has effectively prevented unknown endpoints from gaining connectivity that could negatively impact Richmond’s production facility.

macmon NAC has also excelled at detecting unwanted network events. By monitoring a wide range of network events, it immediately identifies unwanted behavior, whether intentional or unintentional. It detects potentially critical network events, such as duplicate IP addresses, and automatically or manually takes appropriate action.

„The deployment of macmon NAC was a very smooth and quick process. There was no downtime related to it, no missconfigurations, no bizarre behavior or bugs.“

(Joel Naumoff, Vice President of Cybersecurity | Belden Inc.)

In terms of granular access control or automatic exclusion, macmon NAC automatically excludes unauthorized network devices such as unmanaged switches from network communication. macmon NAC also ensures the automatic transfer of access rights. In the event of an authorized device replacement, access rights were securely and dynamically transferred to the new devices to be integrated.

The solution also provides time-limited access to specific areas of the network. For example, an external company such as a technical service provider requires time-limited access to very specific network areas for defined endpoints such as notebooks and control devices. Any access beyond that is automatically denied. Device localization is another area where macmon NAC excels. If a handheld scanner or programming device is lost, the communication history of the device can be quickly and easily viewed, allowing the correct and targeted action to be taken in the shortest possible time.

In the Richmond plant’s OT network, macmon NAC is combined with Hirschmann products. By using the EAGLE40 Industrial Firewall and the Hirschmann switches, it was possible to roll out segmented networks with a secure zone system. macmon NAC assigns authorized devices to the correct segment (VLAN) automatically. This enabled a more efficient process that contributes to the cyber hygiene of the plant.

A combined Solution

A combined solution with macmon NAC offers everything to build a reliable industrial network or improve the existing network architecture for increased industrial cybersecurity.


Final Statement:

Based on the extensive experience with the successful implementation at the Richmond facility, Belden started deploying macmon NAC globally across more than 70 sites and aims to finish this project by the end of 2024.


“We never had a tool in the history of Belden that shows us everything that is plugged in. Having this capability is super powerful!”

(Ryan Buckner, IT-Infrastructure| Belden Inc.)


About Belden

Belden Inc. delivers the infrastructure that makes the digital journey simpler, smarter and secure. We’re moving beyond connectivity, from what we make to what we make possible through a performance-driven portfolio, forward-thinking expertise and purpose-built solutions. With a legacy of quality and reliability spanning 120-plus years, we have a strong foundation to continue building the future. We are headquartered in St. Louis and have manufacturing capabilities in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. 

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