
macmon secure GmbH checks and updates the information on its websites. Despite taking care, the files may have changed in the meantime. Hence responsibility cannot be taken for the currentness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided. macmon secure gmbh is not responsible for the contents of websites that can be accessed using a hyperlink. In addition, macmon secure gmbh reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided.

All the names of the devices and programs or services of macmon secure used here as well as the corresponding logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of macmon secure gmbh. Some of the software and / or hardware products sold by macmon secure may include components that are owned by other manufacturers. The names of such products and services as well as the associated company logos are trademarks of the respective companies.

The information included here can be changed without prior notice. The information in the text are non-binding and are for informational purposes only. The website may contain certain planned strategies, developments and functions under certain circumstances and it is not binding for macmon secure to pursue a certain product strategy or development. macmon secure does not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions in this publication. macmon secure does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information, texts, graphs, links or other elements included here. The contents of the website are provided without any guarantee, neither explicit nor implicit. This applies but is not restricted to the guarantee of marketability and suitability for a particular purpose, as well as for the guarantee of applicable non-infringement rights.

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© macmon secure GmbH